Australia’s Leading Provider of Values + Faith Based Respectful Relationships and Consent Education Resources

Transform Consent & Relationships Education in Your Christian School with Trusted, Ready-Made Resources 

Empower your Christian school to meet new government mandates on Consent and Respectful Relationships Education with ease. Our comprehensive, ready-made programs integrate Christian values into engaging classroom materials, thorough teacher formation, and supportive parent resources. Trusted by over 500,000 teachers and students, and endorsed by faith leaders worldwide, our solutions lighten the load for your teachers, and help them teach sensitive topics with confidence. 

Live life to the full

Largest Faith-based

provider of Consent and Respectful Relationships Education


by Christian Education Directors internationally


Years of Expertise and Leadership

Multiple Programs

Already Successfully Implemented in Hundreds of  Australian Christian Schools


Educators Reported Increased Confidence Using Our Program


Teachers and Students Who Trust us Across the Globe

Used in These Schools:

The Live Life to The Full Program Uses a Whole School Approach.

PDPHE units mapped to the Australian National Curriculum Personal, Social and Community Health Strand

Hear What Teachers are Saying About These Powerful Resources

As an Educational Leader in a Faith Based School, Your Role is to Provide an Exceptional Education That Nurtures the Whole Child…

Intellectually, morally, and spiritually.

That’s how your students are able to flourish in life, and discover their identity as incredible individuals made in the image and likeness of God. It’s never been so important to provide this education, especially in the area of relationships…

But it’s also never been more difficult.

From social media, to the news, to everyday life in modern society – the innocence of young people is being tainted by stories of mental health challenges, sexual and violent crime, relationship problems and more. It’s easy to wonder…how can young people learn to build healthy relationships that will help them flourish in life when they are inundated with toxic messages from every corner?

Your Teachers Can Make a Greater Impact Than They May Realise

In these formative years of your students’ lives, your teachers are given a unique opportunity for connection. In a world where they are bombarded with messages of hopelessness, you can speak truth into the area of respectful relationships, consent, and personal identity, and become part of the solution.

The reality is though, knowing how to deliver these sensitive topics is easier said than done for so many educators. Many teachers find themselves grappling with uncertainty, inadequate resources, and the importance of aligning their lessons with your school’s Christian identity.

Whether that leads them to say the wrong thing, or say nothing at all, either way it can become a major limitation – for your students, parent relationships, and your school’s overall sense of mission. No matter how your school has tackled relationships education in the past though, the bottom line is, it’s no longer optional.

The Government is now Mandating Consent & Respectful Relationships Education in All Australian Schools

of teachers say they have not received any formation to teach human sexuality, relationships and consent education. 
0 %

And you’re tasked with integrating it into your curriculum, without compromising your school’s ethos and Christian values. It’s no small task. Perhaps you’ve found yourself wondering where to start?! Afterall, as a leader in your school, you’re responsible for ensuring every classroom meets this standard. 

While your teachers may be incredible educators who care deeply for your students and want to see them thrive, many simply are not equipped to tackle heavier topics through a faith-based lens. 

In addition most teachers have received little, if any Christian formation or training on the topic either, and are therefore lacking confidence and experiencing anxiety around these new mandates and requirements. With so much on their plate, trying to source appropriate resources that meet government mandates and remain within a Christian ethos can be a daunting task.

Have You Found Your Christian School Experiencing These Challenges With Respectful Relationships Education?

Do your teachers lack time and capacity amidst their demanding workload?

And you want to give them a simple, done-for-you curriculum to save time and reduce stress…

Like most, do your teachers have almost zero formation and training in complex areas of faith-based curriculum?

And they’re unable to confidently teach a Christian perspective on sensitive topics…

Are you struggling with low-quality resources that are unappealing to students?

And you want to engage students in these important discussions in an effective way…

Have you received concerns from parents about the potential of inappropriate content?

And you want to feel confident the curriculum you present aligns with your school ethos…

Do some teachers struggle to incorporate technology in their lessons?

And you want to ensure they have an easy-to-use platform to deliver this important information…

Are you struggling to find dynamic, age-appropriate and relatable materials for students?

And you need content that both meets government mandates and aligns with your Christian values…

Are you concerned about third party providers?

And you want to ensure they are approved by Christian schools directors and Pastors…

These challenges can be overwhelming, but with the right support, they can be transformed into opportunities for growth and excellence in faith-based education.

At Choicez Media, We Can Help You Empower Your Teachers, Engage Students and Parents, and Communicate with a Christian Perspective.

Imagine a reality where your teachers feel confident and equipped to teach Human Sexuality, Consent and Respectful Relationships Education with a Christian perspective.

Where students are involved in the lessons, and able to easily engage in these important discussions both at school and at home. Where your community of parents are involved, engaged, and encouraged as the primary educators of their own children. And, where your school can stand out as a leader in faith-based education, providing all students with the knowledge, skills, and moral framework they need to thrive academically and spiritually.

Our programs are designed to equip and empower your school to make these goals your reality.

Comprehensive, Done-For-You Programs for Personal Identity, Human Sexuality, Respectful Relationships & Consent Education

At Choicez Media, we are setting a new standard for faith-based education, seamlessly integrating national curriculum requirements with a Christian perspective. Unlike other programs, our resources are not only compliant with our Christian perspective and government mandates but they are also captivating, designed to engage your students with modern, visually appealing content. 

By speaking to young people in their own language and connecting with their lived experience and deeper longings, you can raise the standard of respectful relationship and consent education across every classroom, and help every student flourish. 

Backed by over 20 years of experience and endorsements from Christian leaders worldwide, Choicez Media  is your trusted partner in delivering a curriculum that fosters both academic excellence and spiritual growth.

We’re Tackling the Three Essential Components of Consent and Relationships Education

Classroom Content

Teacher Formation

Parent Resources

Afterall, we know that the teaching of these sensitive topics not only has an impact on the students, but on the whole family unit. Parental engagement is a crucial element of any relationship program – afterall, they are the primary educators of their children. That’s why we’ve ensured our comprehensive programs are designed to make everyone involved feel comfortable and confident along the way – from teachers, to students, to parents alike.

Let’s Take a Closer Look at What You’ll Have Access to Inside Our Resource Portal

Comprehensive, Done-for-You Lesson Plans

Your teachers receive the whole package needed to teach these topics with our comprehensive, ready-made lesson plans. Whether they want to simply play the videos and hand out the worksheets, or go deeper using the extra content provided, they’ll have everything accessible to them.

Each lesson will equip your teachers with access to:

Learning Objectives: Clear goals for each lesson to ensure students grasp the key concepts.

Information on the Christian Perspective: Equip teachers with the language needed to teach these topics within a Christian school.

Key Ideas: Teachers can easily see the key ideas to be explored in each lesson, and how they align with both national standards and Christian teachings.

Engaging Videos: Age-appropriate and dynamic videos that capture students' attention and illustrate important points.

Class Activities: A variety of activities designed to engage students, foster critical thinking, and invite reflection on faith-based perspectives.

Discussion Ideas and Reflection Tasks:Thought-provoking questions and tasks that encourage deeper understanding and personal growth.

Alignment to the National Curriculum: Each lesson is carefully mapped to the national curriculum and ensures it meets all standards necessary.

Teacher Formation and Background Information

One of the greatest problems teachers face is a lack of confidence in how to teach these topics through a faith-based lens. This is because so many teachers have not received adequate formation regarding the Christian perspective on Respectful Relationships and Consent.

That’s why our innovative programs also include:

Extensive Background Information: Equip your teachers with the relevant background knowledge they need to bolster their lessons and teach with authority.

Teacher Formation Resources: Professional development materials that help teachers understand and integrate Christian perspectives into their lessons.

Teacher Formation

The Christian perspective; what the Church teaches and why

Scripture References

Scripture references.

Parent Resources

As your child’s primary educator, parents play a central role in reinforcing the values and lessons taught in school. It is crucial parents are engaged in these sensitive areas of development, and can help ensure a consistent message both at home and at school. While every parent knows they need to have these conversations, many lack the confidence and ability to start them. 

That’s why our lessons empower parents to engage with their kids in open, ongoing dialogue.

Each lesson helps teachers empower parents by:

Involving Parents in Key Ideas and Activities: Provide parents with insights into what their children are learning so they are aligned with the teaching.

Support Conversations: Help parents continue the conversation at home, reinforcing the values taught in the classroom.

*Book a call to discuss how we can support you

Our Programs are Rooted in the Belief That Every Young Person is Worthy of Love, Respect and Healthy Relationships

Our lessons go beyond the mechanics of sex or the ABC of consent. The deeper narrative we share invites students into a greater story that values their dignity, and the dignity of others. At the heart of every resource is the belief that every human person has immense value and worth. We present relationships education within a framework of authentic love that values each person, the gift of life, and the gift of human sexuality.

We believe that with the right foundation in the area of relationship education, young people can make positive, life affirming choices which will see them flourish not only during their school years but throughout their adult life.

*Book a call to discuss how we can support you

Hear What Parents are Saying About These Powerful Resources

Find Out More About

Endorsed by Christian Pastors, faith leaders, and educational institutions worldwide, we’re the leading provider of Consent and Respectful Relationships Education within a faith-based context.

With over 20 years of experience and a proven track record, we stand as a trusted authority in faith-based education. We have worked with more than 500,000 teachers and students, providing high-quality seminars and online content on human sexuality and relationships.

Our programs are developed by experts with extensive academic and theological qualifications, ensuring that every resource is both educationally sound and doctrinally sound. Our deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by Christian schools and our commitment to excellence make us the reliable partner you need in delivering a curriculum that honours both your educational goals and your faith.

We’ve Received Numerous Endorsements by Pastors and Education Leaders.

Here’s What Some Had to Say

What Sets Our Resources Apart?

Unlike generic resources, our materials are specifically designed for faith-based schools, ensuring they align perfectly with Christian teachings.

  • Created by Passionate Experts With High-Level Academic Qualifications & Experience

Our founders Karen & Jonathan Doyle have extensive experience working with major Christian educational organisations and a track record of successful program rollouts. We understand how to navigate the complexities of implementing curriculum changes on a large scale.

  • Quality Resources That are Modern & Engaging

All our resources are fresh, visually appealing, and crafted to engage students (without compromising on doctrinal accuracy). Your students will actually enjoy watching, learning and contributing to the classes, without being put-off by cringeworthy editing, graphics or storylines.

  • A Fusion of the Theological With the Educational

We’re able to ensure that our resources take complex theological ideas and infuse them into whatever curriculum area needs to be addressed. You can feel confident that whatever message you’re putting in front of your students will meet curriculum requirements without contradicting our shared faith tradition.

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    Faithfully Keeping to and Sharing the Christian Perspective

We’re unapologetically Christian and in all our resources we seek to give language to the Christian perspective. And communicate a deeper narrative that is grounded in the rich teachings of the Christian faith. You can feel confident that if the local bishop walked in the room, they’d give you their tick of approval!

With Choicez, you’re not just getting a curriculum; you’re gaining a partner dedicated to supporting your school’s mission, and nurturing students in a way that respects and enhances their faith.

*Book a call to discuss how we can support you

Hear What These Schools Had to Say About Our Programs

Ready to Embrace Respectful Relationships & Consent Education With Confidence?

Elevate your curriculum and provide your teachers and students with the gold standard in faith-based education. Book a call with our team today to learn more about how our comprehensive program can meet your needs, simplify your teaching process, and ensure your school remains true to its Christian values.

Empower your teachers, engage your students, and support your parents with a curriculum that truly shines.

*Book a call to discuss how we can support you

Live Life To The Full

Frequently Asked Questions

All our programs are designed with a deep focus on an authentic Christian philosophical anthropology and completely supports the Christian ethos of your school. We work closely with various Christian schools to ensure you can have complete confidence in your choice of each program.

Yes! the program has been approved by multiple Christian Education Offices. As you may be aware, each diocese, Christian Education Office or Religious Institute has its own specific guidelines regarding various programs. We always seek to ensure that we work closely with each diocese to meet their requirements. Some dioceses provide full written endorsements of our programs from Christian Education Office Directors or Bishops, other dioceses simply list our resources on their websites. Please contact us directly via the website so we can let you know whom we have worked with in your specific context regarding program approval.

When teachers feel confident in their preparation and formation they can have such a powerful impact upon the flourishing of each student. Our programs place teacher formation at the heart of all we do. Each program provides extensive background information and formation content specifically for teachers so that they can start every lesson with confidence.

Please contact us via the website to organise one of our fantastic team to walk you through a real-time review via Zoom or MS Teams.

We have developed a tiered pricing structure based upon the size of your school that allows every Christian school to access our programs. Please contact us via the website for great pricing for your school.

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